Late May Bank Holiday PRIZE DRAW

Are you ready for another three day weekend? We are! After such a huge response from our previous tea box giveaway here is another one.
For this weekend (all 3 days) each time you buy something we enter you in our special prize draw. There is just one box up for grabs and is specially themed around a special tea pot shaped Biscuiteers iced biscuit. Including sugar sticks, tea pot tray, matching infuser and of course some of our loose leaf tea.
If this sounds like something you would like to win, here is how to get involved!
In order to enter you need to:
1. Make a purchase either online or in our Camden Stables tea shop between Saturday 26th May and Monday 28th May (no minimum order amount).
2. Give us your name and email address (or contact address or number) This happens automatically online and in store we have an ipad you can use (These won't be shared and only used for the purpose of this promotion).
3. Follow us on social if you don't already. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter so you know when we announce the winner.
Terms and Conditions:
You can enter as many times as you like, each purchase at the till in store or checkout counts so keep coming back for more!
If you win, we will send your box pretty much anywhere in the world. So it's open to everyone of our visitors.
It will be coming by snail mail though so there is no deadline or set delivery date promised.