Sharing a few hot tea and tasty biscuit combinations

There is nothing quite like the perfect biscuit to go with your brew and with such a wide variety of teas to choose from we like an equally long list of sweet nibbles to taste. We had a lot of fun brewing some of our classic loose leaf in-fusions and taste testing what we wanted to accompany it with, a lot of biscuits were eaten in the making of this blog post.
1. English Breakfast with Digestives.
This one is so obvious, our English Breakfast is a tasteful British classic bursting with flavour and needs a simple stalwart of the biscuit tin to pair with. A rich tea would also suit in a pinch.
2. Pure Chamomile with Sweet Palmiers.
Our pure Chamomile is light and soothing so to pair we picked a french Palmier pastry which comes in a flaky butterfly shape with a buttery taste sometimes with citrus if your lucky. These ones are hard to share.
3. Emperor Grey with Shortbread.
Our light Chinese Earl Grey tea with bergamot goes really well with citrus but strangely we like it with sugary shortbread, find some thin lemon shortbread if you want the best of both choices.
4. Merchant Tavern Chai with Lotus.
Chai is a spicy Indian tea that goes with anything cinnamon, the Belgian caramelised Lotus is a match made in heaven you can get through a couple of fingers easy. We have tried our Merchant Tavern Chai but we also have a Cochin Chai Vanilla Masala for those who like it spicy & sweet. Remember Chai is best brewed with milk!
5. Himalayan Darjeeling with Florentines.
This one was hard to pick, the champagne of tea needed a truly opulent pick but also something that wasn't to big and overpowering. Florentines come in all shapes and sizes but try find something fruity for a nice surprise.
6. Dragon Pearls with Madeleines.
Jasmine is a delicate tea so something spongy and light like a Madeleines is wonderful - whilst baking up a fresh batch brew a pot of our Dragon Pearl Tea. Sharing is charing with our Jasmine Tea it's rolled in to tight pearl like balls that we think in-fuses best in a tea pot with room for guests.
7. Moroccan Mint with Coconut Macarons.
If your drinking our Mint Tea for the health benefits you might want to abstain from the biscuit but if your drinking for the flavour mint and coconut are a refreshing indulgence.
8. Pure Rose with Cream Viennese.
This perfumed cup is one of a selection of our floral teas, they can be an acquired taste and hard to pair. A plain Cream filled Viennese biscuit is enough and choose something with Jam if you wait to enjoy your biscuit after the tea.
9. Lemon & Ginger with Ginger Nuts.
We have a trio of lemon teas but after deciding on ginger biscuits we made our Lemon and Ginger tea to really get that intense taste. Lemon Tea goes with lots of things though so a selection box is fantastic to get a different taste with each sip.
10. Lapsang Souchong with Cookies.
A smoky mysterious Chinese tea with a very rich taste goes well with a chunky nutty cookie or even better a dark chocolate one. The more the merrier too, cookies come in packs for a reason right?
Feel free to take the taste test yourselves and let us know if you agree - all these teas are available here on our website and in both our Camden Shops. More pairings to come and hopefully we shall be stocking some of our own snacks in our Camden Tea Shops soon. So we can make the most of tea time during store hours!