Citrus Tea Tastes

Citrus tea delights the palate with bright notes that awaken the senses.
A host of premium teas – green, herbal, mate and black – are enhanced with a recipe of citrus, herbs, and spices to result in fantastic hot and iced beverages. With flavours like sharp yuzu lemon and spicy ginger, these citrus teas will dazzle you with the glory of oranges and lemons.
Most of the health benefits of lemon tea attribute to the fact that it cleanses your body by removing toxins from the system.
Lemon tea can be helpful in relieving cold and flu symptoms. You can add ginger to the tea and drink it 3 to 4 times daily. It will not only give relief from a sore throat, but also boost your immune system and keep you warm.
It can also energise your body and improve mental health too, so why not add a few of these teas to your day.
Our newest tea to join the Camden Tea collections, a green tea & seaweed base is in-fusion with bright citrus tastes. It takes your breath away and then leaves you invigorated. Plus seaweed is a superfood with tones of health extras.
A classic black tea base well balanced with citrus pieces; the taste is both sweet and sour. A best seller for us for years now and perfect for lots of occasions.
A tea with lemon and two types of spicy ginger; to liven and revive the sense. Both ingredients are used for cold remedies and to aid digestion its a true life saver.
A noble blend, naturally flavoured with orange & bergamot oil. For those who love citrus and could benefit from a sencha green tea. Both earthy and opulent this a tea you have to try.
This is a perfect spring tea! Fruity on two fronts with raspberry and sharp yuzu lemon. This Japanese favourite pairs complex fruits with a rich black tea base.
A little known but very refreshing tea; sweet and zesty pure herbal blend, no fuss and plenty of flavour. For those who like it simple and natural.
Something a little different. A peppery mate with sweet orange flowers rounds out the collection of citrus inspired teas. Argentine classic mate with added interest that seeps in to the flavour.
There are a few other citrus flavours in our collections can you spot them? Any other citrus inspired recipes we should look out for?
Lime in tea? Maybe we'll look in to that next.